With its sensual photography of mouth watering ice cream and tantalizing people, it will leave you hungry for the next page. It's the perfect gift for a friend to make them blush, or to whip out at a dinner party to make everyone laugh. Superficially, 'Ice Cream = Sex' is a comedy, with wildly suggestive comparisons between your choice of toppings and what you might enjoy in the bedroom. Few people are good at expressing themselves and their secret sexual fantasies, but nobody has trouble talking about ice cream! Just like good sex, the book has a wonderful attention to detail, with Neapolitan ice cream color coded pages, and a section at the end about having the safe sex conversation which you probably wouldn't be expecting from a book that claims to know your sexual desires based on what ice cream you like.
Imagine two scoops of laugh-out-loud comedy mixed with one scoop of delicious sexiness and drizzled with thoughtfulness in a coffee table book choc-chip full of beautiful, glossy color photography.